Our Vision:
Our vision is to transform African American communities, one child at a time.

Our Mission:
Our mission is to address issues affecting African American children and families, by investing in programs and services that create a strong foundation for children to thrive long-term.

Our Impact:
We invest in services, programs and organizations that focus on impacting the underlying issues affecting African American children and families.

Programs funded by the Foundation are improving academic test scores, raising literacy and mathematical competencies, encouraging cultural consciousness, and instilling moral and social responsibility in America’s youth.

The Foundation’s activities match the stated philanthropic interests of the Jack and Jill of America membership. To that end, the Foundation’s giving is directed to chapters, organizations and communities that are helping our children reach their fullest potential.

To learn more about our foundation, please visit www.jackandjillfoundation.org .

The East St. Louis Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. is a proud supporter of:

Jack and Jill Foundation

March of Dimes

Girl Scouts of Southern Illinois

Lessie Bates Davis Neighborhood House

Bibs and Booties Boutique at Touchette Regional Hospital

Delta Economic Development Center

Jackie Joyner Kersee Foundation

American Foundation of Suicide Prevention

Call for Help, Inc.

The Joseph Center

East St. Louis School District 189

Brooklyn School District 188

Salvation Army

Fontabella Maternity Home

Cosgrove's Kitchen

Violence Prevention Center of Southwestern Illinois

American Cancer Society Relay for Life

Second Chance Shelter

Holy Angels Shelter 

Habitat for Humanity

Go! St. Louis

Project Compassion NFP

House of Miles East St. Louis

Katherine Dunham Centers for Arts and Humanities

Center for Racial Harmony

Eagles Nest of St. Clair County

NAACP East St. Louis